Freiluftkino: “Why We Cycle” mit Drinks und von Bund Naturschutz moderiert!


13. September 2024    
19:00 - 20:45


Kilianspl. 1
Kilianspl. 1, München, 80339


Der Film wird als Freiluftkino angeboten, von Bund Naturschutz München moderiert, im Rahmen des Umlenken am Kiliansplatz!
Ursprünglich für den 12. Juli geplant, wurde verschoben! Das gesamte UMLENKEN-Programm ist hier:…/07/240612_Flyer-UMLENKEN-2024.pdf
Precis: To the Dutch, cycling is as normal as breathing. We don’t think about it, we just do it. Perhaps the fact that we don’t think about it, is the key to the bicycle’s success in this country. But because we do not give cycling a second thought, we don’t really know what the deeper needs of cyclists are. In the documentary ‘Why we cycle’ we take a ride with ordinary cyclists and specialists from a variety of disciplines. These conversations uncover some obvious, but even more hidden effects of cycling on people, on societies, and on the organization of cities.